I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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The tale of reprive from Urban Jungle

2001-07-01 - 9:37 p.m.

"choosing succulence is a deliberate act of personal revolution. It means waking up! Embracing your true self, studying your patterns and letting our your most alive self. We all have one."


That one I got from a greeting card. I read it everyday. I have to remember that I am becoming. That the process matters and that the only truth is what I experience it to be.

I am very horny today. I almost went out and bought some erotica. I was in a literary horny mood. But I napped instead. It seems the perfect ending to a wonderful weekend. I took two wonderfully deep naps and connected with the people I love. And the instant I got here, I suddenly became a bit anxious and bored. I left the my relaxed state in the woods?

It was complete heaven. At 10:30 I was walking on the beach with my capries hiked up and wading in the water and the sun and smell and it was the perfect temperature, and I couldn't believe it and how far away my life has gone. I have to get that back. The person I left sad and despairing in the city. I need beaches and trees and birds. I am going to be back in only 2 weeks. And away from living in this city forever.

Door County is my heaven. There is nothing better for me than to live a relaxed pace if only for a moment. To smell the woods, hear the sounds of nature and enjoy the luxary of my parent's house and company. I also went to players and got a dozen hugs and how are you's. I feel loved. I feel fuzzy. The life is coming back to my skin and even better it is penetrating into the molecules. Dimishing the blackness. I am accepting circumstances. I am accepting. And this moment is mine. Nothing else.

My daily cool shit paragraph:

I parallel parked our big ass van perfectly on the first try. My favorite cat napped with me for the first time in almost a month. Sugar free fat free jello chocolate pudding rocks. The government tried to remedy the fact that our fearless leader was not elected by supplying a small, yet anything-is-better-than-nothing monetary ration. (no I'm not over it yet).

SO DC again next weekend. See the show, reunite with Choas the dog (my brother's brand new cutie alaskian malamute puppy), move half of my belongings and perhaps a hike? Breakfast at village cafe? So much of my life is up there. Perhaps that is why I feel so lost down here.

I think I want a tattoo. I need it designed for me. I know what I want, where I want it. I just have to find a good artist. Oh, and of course, get the balls.

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