I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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Bed tv BED nap bed Bap ned DEB Veb vap snap

2002-04-25 - 11:02 p.m.

the quality of hotel porn is now determined by the political views of the community. Corporate America, gotta love it.

Well. I've been out of it. Muscle relaxers. Dude. My back hurts. Now it's a bath and to bed since I have already watched "must see" tv.

I think about the other tour sometimes. The dynamic I have put myself in. The 33 people I alternately loathe and adore. And find VERY hard to listen to.

Told mommy I was on the pill. She asked if I was sexually active. ha. I only wish. I bet she would cry if she knew the truth. I'll be 26 and she started having her children by the time she was my age.

I feel like Audry Hepburn in the end of My Fair Lady screaming "What is to become of me?" I feel so much better but yet, am left with this mess of my body: sickly, overwieght, self-loathing and self destructive. And what is next with my new happiness when it seems that I am in the same situation.

I guess this is the Apex of life. Decision time and action time. Bath time for sure.

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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