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GOP can suck my boob.

2002-11-06 - 11:07 a.m.

I will say it, because I can.

It's a sad day for our country. Bye-bye equal rights. Hello old white conservative males. I'm sad, i'm sad. I'm truly sad.

And I can say, bye bye individual freedom, hello christian right. This country is fucking over run with christian right.

It's tragic. Politicians are evil!! Hey all you over-18 males, better start training for war. Bye bye rights to your own body, the bible is more important.

Hey World! Watch out for George W. Bush. We put an absolute idiot in charge of our weapons of mass destruction and he's looking for a dictatorship near you!! He even convinced our checks and balances to give him full power to wage war, any time he pleases!!

And now that our population has elected a GOP majority, people, don't exect to have any rights at the supreme court level -- and look forward to lots of years of humans killing humans in death chambers in such lovely civilized countries as ours.

I could scream. I could cry. But I'm here at work in front of the same screen. Peddling my tour to arts organizations which are soon to be depleated of all money, dry up and we become an obese wasteland where the only entertainment is offered by mass corporations through little boxes.

End rant. Begin fight all over again.

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