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sitting still

2001-05-06 - 1:10 a.m.


This is the latest I have been able to stay up since I had insomnia last month. Goody, the meds are finally working.

I am really in the midst of trying to rediscover who it is I am. Always been looking, questing but not liking who I have found. I am determined to like or change this time. At 25 one should either decide to start liking life or end it. Don't you think?

It's time for me to move. I do it about every 6-9 months. I think I will in September when my lease is up here. Big cities are the shit for about 3 months. Once the honeymoon period is over, then all the faces seem to look the same and the stink and cement start to mold under your skin. I need fresh air and trees which don't grow out of the only soil which can be spared between the streets, buildings and sewers.

I might be touring for six months. Anything is better than this sitting still.

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