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I should be in the woods living off poisonous mushrooms....

2001-05-16 - 3:59 p.m.

I do believe that I am the only one in this media mecca�s newsroom who:

a) doesn�t like the news or tries to avoid it at all costs

b) doesn�t worship slaughtering of innocent trees for intellectual mediocrity

c) doesn�t use a toilet seat cover

d) doesn�t show up on time

e) has actually been to the mailroom

f) is a secretary without a scary cubicle

g) doesn�t cheer when the cubs score

h) glorifies sloth

i) listens to songs which are not played on the radio

j) who has plans to escape the big bad tower

and that�s what makes me special

I made a doctors appointment today. I�m thinking that I should get healthy. I�m an admitted sloth (who longs for more) and a gluttonous girl who refuses to play by the rules. But my age is weighing on me a bit. I can�t have huge drunken binges like I used to in college and I actually get tired at night. I feel a twinge of guilt for my body and the ravaging, loathing and purging it�s been through. My shrink says that it is a big deal that I haven�t drank in almost 2 months. I think it�s a bigger deal that I haven�t smoked up. It�s now quarter to 4. Time to do nothing for an hour. Watch important people twitter around talking about �what�s happening� and maybe read the NY Times. Enter this into the self-important diary and plan another night.

I have started to paint. Nothing specific. Trees, my favorite. I have a set of watercolors, no training and just the will to do something with my hands (I�m not having sex). I also have a bottle of school glue I bought on a whim. Watch out world.

I think I am totally addicted to this diaryland thing. It keeps me motivated in something, which is a start.

I should be in the woods living off poisonous mushrooms....

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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