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such a clear day for dirty socks

2002-03-28 - 2:06 a.m.

it's clearer tonight.

having a meeting tomorrow about communication. COMMUNICATE THIS BITCH...

that's what I'd like to say. but the scared girl in me wants to shrink into my chair and appologize for myself.

I'm doing my best and I know it isn't enough. I can't be there and do it all and stay sain. and that's the truth. and all I can ask for.

I am going to miss the view of the lake out my window every morning. It's like Home. I'm not sure how you spent years of college in this town, haptotrope, but I there is something very barren, and a cerebral survival which takes place in desolation and cold and depression.

Seeing J & K this weekend and even jame. Damn. She and her girl are moving to Minneapolis. So jealous of their home. I need to go over and pet the boulder. We are all seeing the show together... and I have to find out when I have tix to brian's show--life.

Well. I have to dye my hair this weekend, see some shows and work on some jewelery. Or maybe read and listen to more jazz and wash clothes because I am sick of putting on dirty socks.

My parents talked me into sanity last night. Funny how that works.

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