I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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The enormity of the proposition floored him

2002-08-13 - 3:45 p.m.

Head ache is the name of the game. I'm messed up emotionally. Truth is so hard to surmise sometimes when my active fantasy life is... well, activated! You see, I am finally realizing the extent and depth to which I can reach with solitary fantasy. And now the void, I attempt to fill with just about everything --is just a void and it's creeping up on me. So anyone know the solution to singledom? And what I think I am fathoming, as my 26 birthday gallops towards me threatening to take me down with it, is that there is no guarentee that there will be a solution. No guarentee that the dream of a little girl discovering she IS a woman will be realized. Not every girl gets the marriage, relationship, husband, and subsequent rewards... children, dog, and house in the woods. I want it all. But am I putting any effort into the realization of this dream? Why am I relying on the universe to solve my problems? Too many big questions, and the headache seems to be subsiding and I get to go home before the light is gone. I read something somebody wrote. I was affected in a multitude of ways. The enormity of the proposition floored me. I feel things that aren't real. In dreams, they are. They REAL aren't. They make my teeth grind. Imagining myself in a relationship, a marriage, a mother and a companion.

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