I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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drama-free, trama-free & tired as hell

2002-10-21 - 1:05 p.m.

the three days since my last entry seems like eternity. I spent most of the weekend in a narrow hole working on my grad school applications, eat sleep and dream the statement of purpose. Why do they want me.

Contemplation of medication. Over and over. I feel so dead today. Totally unmotivated for work. And dressing. but when sleep gets dull, i'll have to let somebody know.

I need new friends. I'm bored. Too much trama everywhere. I need to declare myself a drama-free zone where no one is allowed to interupt my fragile aura. I only feel like this on days like this. Where anything can set off an everything and nothing is ominous. But no, don't need new friends, need more relations which are not in theatre... ah but no time to exhaust on new relationships.

I haven't been to the gym in over a month, too tired. can't focus. can't write anything worth my page, don't have the bravery to erase it.

What really irks me, is my physical change. I don't care what I wear, no makeup, no manicure and my hair, well god its discusting. I'm way too tired to focus on anything besides what I have to do to get myself back to bed.

so there.

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