I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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delusions of grandeur

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sing excitement

2002-10-30 - 4:42 p.m.

and the girl opened her mouth and heaven appeared to pour out...

Well, ok not really. But I sang. and I wasn't nervous. And I wasn't even afraid. I knew it wasn't the end of the world... and I just sang my heart out. And people responded. And I got the most heartfelt, beautiful comments; Chilling, gorgeous, beautiful, lovely, Amazing. Who knew? I made peter cry. And Johnathan was totally impressed. And yes, I was very impressed with myself. It was all over the world by yesterday afternoon. I have now been pre-selected as america's new "idol" and tomorrow I will be flying off to canada to give my first concert to my most adoring frozen audience who are promised hot chocolate if they clap and cookies if they act extra excited and since my head has swelled to the size of detroit I think I'll probably just go to work tomorrow and avoid the heavy traffic.

Forget it. I've been so flying this week, I go to bed twitching. Seriously, I have this back in the head fear that I am secretly harboring the manic depressive monster who will come at any moment and change my mind. Of course, he also could be hiding under my bed.

I had the best conversation with J-teach today. She was so excited that I am planning to teach & do the grad school thing. And happy to give advice and write me recommendations and stuff. Crazy. Funny how mature I feel somedays.

I am reading a bunch of really cool books. I have decided to be vegan but don't think I can really do it. Soy milk is ok, but fish and eggs and various breads with stuff in them... I'm a wimp in some ways. But I am glad to know more -- to be informed, and the more informed and possibly I will be able to commit.

But I am excited. At the possiblities. at life. at now.

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