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overtaken by the urge

2002-11-08 - 12:32 p.m.

This day has been the ultimate search for diet coke. Not in the can (blah) but in the perfect 20 oz bottle. Dear god, wake me every day to a perfect clear bottle of the necture of the gods and I will be your slave. I ended up buying 2 cans and pouring it into a bottle. A girl's got to have her way...at least twice a day.

Last night I saw Shrew with people I knew. And Bboy was in it. Yes, the b-boy prancing back into my life. We went out for a drink w/ another guy from the cast after. It was nice to have someone else there. But of course I am SO in lala horney land today. I had a long dream about him. I could have fallen into deep kisses and his bed last night. But fortunatly, he had sense not to kiss me again and he was too tired let his dick overide his head. Too bad for him. He has blond highlights in his hair, which age him. And he's lost some weight. And he moved out of the apartment with his jgirl and is living 2 houses down now. and I'm not holding my breath but it was certainly libido encouraging to see him again.

GRE on Sat. I'm ready in my ill-preparedness. Or something. I've now done absolutely nothing at work accept check my email and phone messages.

I was overtaken by the urge to drink diet coke.

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