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a doo doo do, a dah dah da, is all I want to say right now

2002-11-19 - 3:26 p.m.

Between swells of night panic and doing my 3 week old sink of dishes, I've been trying to write a thesis statement about myself. It's like brain surgery I swear.

How hard is it to just say who you are and how it was that you got that way and what you want and why it is you want what you want and why it is YOU that should get what you want and not some summa cumme laude from a big stinky good school on either coast?

If you're me, it's not so black and white. But probably, if it's you, it's not so black and white. Wait! I hate that phrase, black and white... ew.

I used to be very prolific at the bullshit of writing college papers. Perhaps because I never proofread. Or rarely and still achieved (but not in english)

I woke in a panic 2 nights ago --I was only awake about 12 hours this weekend-- about bills and grad school and people in my family dying and such. It feels like the reminence of the effexor exiting with some arguement, though I know it's not. It's only me.

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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