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love and babies and weddings and weight

2002-12-02 - 12:59 a.m.

If you drink a liter of diet coke you can be relatively awake at 1am, but not 9am. Do I have a meeting tomorrow morning? Hasn't it been wonderful not to worry about what comes tomorrow except the next day.

My holiday was so amazing. I love my family. Two days of loveliness. Ok, well, right, there was those 12 hours in the car with my invasive, conservative side of the family. Honestly, it isn't all lovely. Listing out the gas prices everytime they pass a gas station is fairly tedious. And they talk about NOTHING. How can people exist like that? How can you talk forever and talk about nothing? So there. My life isn't perfect. Some members of the fam are downright tedious. Thank (their god) I don't have to spend much besides holidays with them. But I saw little bro and fiance.

I started WW. I have to where sleavless this summer at the wedding and my arms are fighting with the rest of my body. No to mention, I have to wear winter clothes now. Poo.

msh is pregnant. !!!!!!! I am so excited for her.

I spent the night cutting out paper flowers, it was so relaxing. I am thankful for a whole lot tonight.

Saw Tori last night. Damn. I can't believe how amazing she was. But what was really amazing was that an old friend from high school artsworld was there. Summer camp. Damn. He is the card holding young gay man we all thought he was. Happy and all. Man. It was a wild twist of fate. We'll be sure to stay penpals now. CNB, he asked about haptotrope, and the rest of our wacky gang. Damn it, he went to my senior homecoming with me and her and dan and barb. Silly us. But am I the only straight one?

The amount of people I have loved in life has already been too many for me to hold.

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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