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throwing a fit.

2002-12-04 - 10:56 a.m.

Want to know what makes me crazy?


"Senate Majority Leader-elect Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said most of the country is hungry for policies that discourage abortions and encourage churches and other groups to help families. "The only places where these ideas are considered bad are on the two coasts," Lott said in an interview last week. "Where the meat is in the sandwich, the rest of America, these are pretty mainstream ideas."

and this: "Bush, a born-again Christian"

and this: "The government does not keep reliable figures on how much money flows to religious groups. The incoming Republican-controlled Senate wants to increase tax breaks for people who give money to religious charities"

and of course this: "Santorum has told the White House that, during the debate over welfare reform, he will fight for a provision to allow religious groups to discriminate against certain people -- gays, for instance -- when hiring if they don't share their religious beliefs."

and this: "With Republicans in the majority in the Senate next Congress, Bush will have a much better chance of passing a welfare law that increases funding for abstinence and puts a heavier emphasis on promoting two-parent families and responsible fatherhood."

Just a few quotes from a Washington Post article on the republican agenda. I can't wait until the country realizes what it has done in the elections. Silly me, thinking this was a free country.

I'm ready for demonstrations and protests.

Want more? http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=7095

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