I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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disappointing ramble

2002-12-30 - 2:35 p.m.

I'm feed up. Stuck in a chair. Desparation.

I hate my job-- I've decided. It sucks ass. I can't get anything done because I think it's all crap and there is crap going on all over. Do ya suppose I'm having a bad day? I'll have to go down a visit stage management.

I get to watch the little ones tonight. Gee golly gosh. They always make me giggle.

Out. How does one get out? Of the chair.. the office.. the job.. the city.. the country.. the life you've chosen?

I need vacation in a foreign land. Maybe there is some snow in Canda. I'm tense. I'm tight.

I am going through my multi-annual what should I do with my life now crisis. And I have to have some purpose crisis.

Too bad dad has my chaos theory book. I could sure use it right now. JCambell & Neruda are not working. Too bad the museum is closed today.

Panic panic. Check email. Transform my transformer from hotrod to killing machine and back to hotrod. Zoom it around the office. My brain is working a billion times the speed of life.

But my eyes are sad.

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