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cinderella myths fucking suck. Movies = propagation of the myth.

2002-12-28 - 10:41 p.m.

So I have to write tonight. I just saw one of those chick flicks girl-meets-guy-girl-gets-guy-by-being-her-perfect-beautiful-irresistable-smart-and-sassy-self-and-guy-falls-in-love-and-decides-to-stop-being-with-zillions-of-women-just-to-be-with-the-one kind of movies. I am not going to tell you which movie, it doesn't really matter. They are all the same formula. They all propagate the same myth. I am so embarrassed that I fell for it again. I'm going to only see art films until I am truly in love.

Why doesn't anyone tell the truth anymore? I know that it's a movie and I am supposed to be swept away into the arms of fiction and romanced into the dream world. Ha. I was and it's upset me. That and along with the new david gray song on the radio where he so simply sings about not knowing what love is. (I heard it twice on the way home dropping off seany at his trick bar).

I am really sick of the cinderella myth. The grow up and get married to the man of your dreams who comes to rescue you from whatever mess you have gotten your life into. Suddenly you have it all -the man you love who loves you and fucking living happily ever after. It drives me crazy how lonely it makes me.

What I really meant to say is ... what happens when this doesn't happen to me?

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