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the car story

2003-11-01 - 8:07 p.m.

never has one girl been through so much with one car in 24 hours. death to all cars and tow truck companies!

So. I'm trying to sell this car right? Nice good, working car. Until Thursday night when I have to move it so they can sweep all the leaves out from underneath. Doesn't start. The automatic seatbelt doesn't move. Doesn't so much as chime. Lovely friend comes to jump. It doesn't jump.

No problem. Leave a kind note for the kind police officer telling them that there is no,and 7am that I am going to get, learn how to install, and change a battery. And isn't it the city's fault for giving me NO time? What if I was on vacation?? I would say that but I am just too damn tired. I am polite, through and trusting. I trust human nature and the wisdom of the universe.

Cut to Friday 10pm. No car. Car is TOWED!! Car is towed for street cleaning. What a waste!! How the city is spending my money... plans are made to write many letters.

Saturday 7am. Wake up. 5 hours of sleep. Arrive at impound lot at 8am at openning. Stand in line for 1/2 an hour while the 2 people in front of me are helped and snail-breaking speed. Wow, I am amazed at what goes on at an impound lot... I collect stories to entertain the box office.

Bam! - 150 for the tow & stuff. Bam! - $23 for the parking ticket. Luckily Geico pays for towing to the repair shop.

It's 9:45 and the tow truck finally shows up. I give them my release papers with all of the information written on it. He says they do this all the time and that I can go to work (which I am late for) Ok I say. Again... trusting humanity in all it's beautiful imperfection. I leave the impound lot for possibly the last time in my whole entire life. The big pile of cement slabs are getting to me.

They call me with the repair quote. $200. Battery charge. Belts. I say ok. Fuck me up the ass.

It's now 6:30. I call everyone I know to drive me to the repair shop to pick up this car. Nobody will drive me. I find out the good friend blew me off last night and doesn't even offer to help me tonight during our conversation. I am sad that I have no friends who would give the kind of commitment I give to friendship. And somehow... I also know that can't be true of all my friends. Mainly just flake girl.

I cry because I feel alone in the world. The universe chuckles because it still has a couple cards to play.

I take a cab to the repair place. After noticing that I am sitting on something cold, I ask the beautiful man speaking this delightful African dialect why there is a beer can in his back seat. He freaks and tells me a story of how a friend of his got his liscense suspended in the same way. I stick the can of Colt 45 in my purse. I think it's funny now that I know he's not drunk. I give him a nice tip because I know he works hard and deserves it.

I pay for the repairs. They explain everything to me. They hand me my keys and tell me where my car is. I approach. I see a car but it isn't mine. But it looks like mine. But it isn't mine. I walk back to the shop. I turn back just to double check. I look at the odometer reading on the reciept. 104,000. Not my car. This isn't my car! I just towed and paid for and authorized repairs on a car that wasn't mine!!! The poor person who owns that car...

I flip out. TOTALLY freak. The guy runs out there. It's the only Camery. BUT it's not my car. THEY towed someone elses car from the impound lot. Fixed it and was going to give it to me. YOU really couldn't do something like that if you tried to do it. Truly.

And then they gave me a ride home. The girl's car whose it was got her car fixed for free and I got nothing but a complete flip out. I am ready for bed.

They are supposed to call me with the repair quote tonight. I'm tired. I want a friend to hang out with right now.

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