I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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sharing mood

2003-10-25 - 4:55 p.m.

want to: write

Burning: yes, yes I am

Sound: "letter to Elise"

Smell: lemongrass incense

Light: muted

Mood: sharing

snack: carrots and ranch

It's this cloudy afternoon. 2 hours time between jobs. I am reminded vaguely of the east coast. It's like the fall has been so temperent and my mood takes me back to the freedom of those days.

I am also in the mood to share. share my bed. my morning coffee. my mixed nuts. my decision to buy new glassware. my storage space. my heart. the cracks between my walls. my dreams. this world of mine. share with me. all of you. part of you. just maybe the space. family. tuesday at midnight. sunday after 3. good walks. better conversation. a giggle and someone's expense.

share. be with me. around me. sharing. that's what I want right now. the self is full. it needs to share. there is too much to love to keep it all with me.

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