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it's all geometry.

2004-01-24 - 12:52 a.m.

this is new! of course. But only an uneventful event. I've lost the sboy to a girl who has "never been alone". Some girls have it all. And some have back spasms that take away a week of their lives and put them one step back in the grand scheme of things... or is it that the one step back isn't really back at all... that it's over a bit to the right and you need to start straight from that point. It's all geometry to me. I think this may be right though... So the boy is on from a beautiful 34 year old to a beautiful 23 year old. And the girl ducked out early to give the girl and the boy some hang out time. Even though they do all the time. I got sick of watching him want her... look good next to her. But most of all I got sick of wanting him. Smelling him- an amazing mix of not-showered man and clean at the same time. too, too fuckable man. and sweet... cook dinner for you and serve you wine and go get movies in the freezing cold and love his dog cute. I mean, this guy is perfect. Well, no that's not true. But why wouldn't he get the girl?

Let's flip it... why doesn't the girl get the guy. The girl is not perfect. The girl is out of her league on this one. The girl is standoffish because she doesn't want to feel anything. The girl is fat from years of degradation/depression. The girl is scared that nobody will love her. The girl is a 27 year old virgin.

The girl is working on this. And it's all geometry.

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08