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explosion of questions

2001-05-14 - 1:09 p.m.

I don't know where my home is. I don't know when I will find that out. all I know is that I am moving again and it makes me somehow satisfied.

I need lunch.

I wonder if I'm ever going to have sex. It is so nice and sweet to be untouched. It is like I own a cave and can hide deep in a dark corner everytime I feel someone come towards me. So nobody can touch me. and life goes on like that, easy and empty and comfortable. There was a time when I longed to have sex. And to have it be as second nature as breathing, the way that human nature seems accept this vein which runs through us.

But what would happen should someone chose to ignore this vital part of themselves?

I help all my friends with their problems and it is much easier to look on the outside and see what a problem sex causes and what trama they all go through. But who is happier? Those who stay in the cave or prowl the jungle?

I need to learn to love. I need to learn to trust. I need to learn to give the parts of myself which I want to keep sacred. Nothing is that sacred. Nothing is that special to be hoarded until death. Death is so close at every moment.

How do I even begin to bring up these issues?

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