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barbaric pecans in skyscraper stench

2001-06-11 - 11:24 a.m.

The whole city is rotting today. There are stinging smells and it seems like I can�t get a breath of air. Well, I can�t, not good air, nothing fresh, nothing that wasn�t piped through the viens of machinery before it escapes into the free world of a building. It�s as if 8 million of us are breathing the same air. I wish I could spare anyone who is reading this another redundant revisit to my theatre on the bay but I wish I were there. I would be eating lunch outside in the shade with friends were our world is a theatre, the water and the forest and the cool air would be mixed with cedar, fresh water and wildflowers. At times, there is nothing in the city that makes it worth being here. Walking from air conditioning to sweating city to air conditioning is going to make me ill.

I work for an idiotic paper. Did the NY times put the McVeigh killing on the front page today? No, because it�s done, he�s dead and they have good taste not to beat the dead man. But our paper carries the headline �McVeigh leaves perplexing message� with a very sentimental shot of someone sitting on the Oklahoma City memory. Aw. I need to rant. Why do we have the right to execute someone who kills? Isn�t that a government controlled hypocrisy? I am very good at being a bitch when I am so far from the situation. We gave McVeigh and every anarchist who agrees with him the fuel for their cause. And it was barbaric. And media makes everything more barbaric.

On an up note, I�ve got candied pecans to eat.

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