I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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the storm I stayed awake for

2001-06-12 - 1:45 a.m.


I heard on the news it would. I sat at the living room window watching the storm come in. The street was so desolate, only the cars and trees stood stoic. Lucky them. I pressed my face hard up against the screen to feel that wind. To feel something of the magnetude of nature. In this place. I am a caged animal here. I could see the lightning on the horizon of the three-flats across the street. But the poor trees couldn't. They are sheltered in the street. Tonight, if only I were a tree which could stand proudly in this storm. To risk the lightning and feel each gust. To feel. To feel the power. The rain is starting now and soon I will be too wet to keep the window open. I'll retreat to my air conditioned room. I think the sky is crying to me. And it's not subtle.

to bed then.

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