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My vibrator's last leg

2001-09-26 - 9:31 p.m.

Fargo, ND:

Here I am!! I am having the greatest time. We arrived here last yesterday afternoon. The group wants to go out at night and I am feeling up to going out for the longest time. And I am incredibly horny, and their are two guys who I would love to fuck. BUT. And I am wearing my new lipstick. We don't go out. We stay in, the liquor store is open until 1pm, so it's beer and other funky mixtures of liquor. My new favorite is hot sex...a mix of ginger and chocolate milk.

I ended up playing poker all night with my two crushes and this other cutie. I love boys!! I won almost all their money. I got back to my room at 6am, after wining 30 bucks (we started with nickles) and pillaging the continental breakfast with the boys. I had the best time, it was just so fun and we laughed and I flirted

and now.

NOW I am so horny. Truly. It's a problem and an issue. B and I hung out almost all night. He was looking at me, I was looking at him, you know the kind of looks, the flirty stares, the "this person is really cool I want to talk to them but I am not sure what is going on shit" crap. flirting. We were all jokes. Sex jokes. OH GOD. I WANT THIS MAN.

I cannot have this crush. Besides the fact that I am supposed to be in a supervisor position, he is over 30 and living with his girlfriend.

can't I just have a quick fuck?

can't I just see how big his dick is?

Shawn... Did his Perkins waiter between his shifts today. I am so jealous of that Ho.

I lost count of my cigarettes. B would looked at me when I asked for my second and said "now you are going to owe me. with that look. After that he kept giving them to me. I drank 2 liters of green tea today and ate salad and took vitamins so I can get rid of the toxins so I don't get sick.


when you are too horny but can't do anything? Effexor has not taken away my sex drive, in fact, I feel more sexy and horney than I ever have. God Damn. Time to rely on my little pink friend. Don't quit on my now!!!

What am I going to do when I see him tomorrow after imagining him in every different position and having seduced him a million times in my head?

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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