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Unemployment looks good on this girl

2002-05-27 - 3:46 p.m.

I've been unemployed for almost, well three weeks now. why didn't anyone tell me about this option? Don't work, still get paid... but damn it, get your life in order. After a week at Grandma's Jesus-lovin, tribute to the 70's and handicraft's abode, I've been at the 'rents: watchin the birds, hiking the trails, eating fun things like spinach salads and no deserts, sleeping under the moon, dreaming my big dreams.

The rain just ended and people are pooring out of this county back to their own lovely purgatories. This week will be quiet enough for me to shop the touristy stores before I leave. I've been dosing to Ryan Adam's Heartbreaker all morning after some breakfast at village cafe. It's terrific with the rain.

I can almost feel myself growing again, and alive. It's my spring too. I have seen most of my friends-- I guess that's all I needed. A little mending of my incredibly lose ends...

I think I will be leaving here in a few days, skip down to LaX to see M&B and get back up to the cities and begin my reinvention. Another suitcase and another door... you'll get by you always have before.

I've been at little bro's new house all weekend enduring the sound of electric sanding, tablesaws and inlaws. But I got a lot of studying done for the GRE.

I am very content. I feel like I am going to be starting over next week, when I move into the house of fun. With new goals: companionship and nesting and grad school and teaching and love. Indeed, it's all good.

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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