I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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It's a good time to know me

2002-07-11 - 12:37 a.m.

I've been very active. And I am uber proud of myself. I joined a gym, been making lots of jewelry and I guess spending a lot of time socializing. Summer has little to do with checking my email, I guess (and can you blame me I am on the 3rd floor of an un-aired house). Or writing in D-land accept for when I am among those unfortunates stuck in a office on the 9-5 drive.

I start my non-unemployment next week: watch the entries fly!!! Well, not so much I guess since I'll have a lot to do.

I got the most amazing email from my J boy today. MOST AMAZING. He said I was the most surprisingly wonderful person he knows. I know what you are thinking, that he must not have a wide range of friends, and perhaps he doesn't but he lives in a very small, secluded area where he teaches at a small college. And he's dreamy. and realitistic, and romantic and funny. And FAR AWAY.

I was trying to write to my old penpal David last week and my first sentence is this kind of truth I have been living about myself these past couple of weeks. And with my new email, the pieces fit together, I'm just not sure I want to see what they create.

"It's a good time to know me" ~Me

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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