I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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2002-07-16 - 10:38 p.m.

My D-land used to sing. Now, I don't have words for feelings I wanted away. And I don't miss the emptiness of night, but what is it that is gone and what is it remaining???

All I want to do is work and go to the gym these days. What is that? I don't seem to think anymore. And I don't really see. I'm just this. Work/play. My friends keep me running from event to event and I have no time or energy to waste on lonliness or apathy.

I have lost my sense of soul I think. What has it left when light has banned the darkness and wants to spend all day praising itself. I've been healed. Of depression... or of myself.

I'm reading/being a cross between emerson's essays and Dr. Phil's "no-nonsense" advise.


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