I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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delusions of grandeur

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Gym = Good/Depression = Bad

2002-08-16 - 11:54 a.m.

GOT to the GYM

Life is beautiful again. Accept for that really superficial blackness that everyone obnoxiously exudes at the theatre about how rough their lives are and how much this sucks and how over used and abused they are. I am so over it. But also, I'm over my own actions which conform so loveily.

I walked to the lake this morning. It's so lovely in the morning. Baby turtles were hanging out down at the beach, there were various running clubs and a few seniors and dogs but mostly it was me and my thoughts, or rather, a peaceful quiet inside my brain. I just feel so much better when I am not questioning my purpose in the universe. Oh, yes and when I get to gym.

I don't know what I want. Grad school, or perhaps an easier job where I could use the free time to develop these other things going on in my head... Sometimes, I think I am beyond this job, and sometimes I think it is beyond me. I don't know if I'm smart enough or have enough stamina for grad school or for higher intellectual persuits.

I'm still tripping about whether I am good enough to do what I want to do or not, despite the fact the I haven't tried.

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