I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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delusions of grandeur

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Current state: Weezer, Madam Butterfly and Joni Mitchell on Random

2002-09-11 - 10:46 p.m.

I know it is impossible to believe I am writting a non-tribute entry on 911 but I can't wait until tomorrow. Do you sense a note of sarcasm? Am I the only girl in the universe whose life did not change after the terror attack? End soap box.

I had the oddest dreams in my evening nap. After spending almost all day at the hospital and enduring being in the room while a friend's absess drained, I feel I have the right to take my 6pm to 10pm nap.

My first dream was of a baby. Mine. Oh the christian undertones! A virgin with a baby. I am finally old enough to realize that it is ok to wish and dream and hope for families and babies and that whole better homes and gardens white picket pipe dream.

My second dream was as complex and fun-filled as being at work. Kevy was there, and debers and we were doing theatre with ALL-POWERFUL, FIRE AND OTHER LASERBEAM SHOOTING, WANT-TO-KILL-EVERYTHING-IN-SITE ALIENS. And Kev was complaining about the help and deb was on the usual verge of breakdown and I'm running around trying not to get nuked by the aliens... and all the while thinking "why are we working for these people". An uncanny parallel to the real world.

I need to breathe deeper. I need friends who aren't in theatre. I'm eating microwavable mac and cheese.


Life may never be calm, you may always be dodging alien laser beams, but I'll always be searching for love.

"Last night I dreamed I held you in my arms, The music was never-ending,

We danced as the evening sky faded to black,One step up and two steps back"

~Bruce Springsteen, words for the moment

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