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Get out the big bright green lieing machine...

2003-05-21 - 10:12 p.m.

Here goes:

1. Sorry, I'm just not attracted to you. (the truth)

2. You are a really great guy but you kind of repulse me. (also true)

3. I could never have sex with you.

4. I really like sucking dick, but I can't imagine sucking yours.

5. When you ly on top of me your penis digs into my belly button and turns me off.

6. Why do your eyebrows make those funny gestures.

7. You make me feel 11 - when I thought boys were icky.

8. You make me pity you with your social disorder and multiple medications.

9. You make me feel too special to like you only half-assed.

10. You make me feel guilty and like I am a bad person for not liking you and having to break it off.

That's enough. I have had enough of feeling all these emotions today. I spent last night in the arms of a short, lovely man who I am not attracted to. I feel special and dirty at the same time. I feel used and like a user at the same time. I am weak. But I have to let you go, my troll.

Go go big bright green lieing machine:

"Sorry I just started seeing someone else"

I can't bare to let someone down with the truth. I'm mean. I'm cruel and I hate myself for it. But Goddammit. He shouldn't be asking me on camping trips by the 2nd date. (shucking responsiblity)

Guilt ridden. Going to look for more compatible boys now... 5'8" and up please?

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08