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mentally grinding heads of co-workers into the chem lawn is fun

2003-06-04 - 11:37 a.m.

Been feeling. Lately. Like a caged something or other. A bird (unlike the amazing winged migration I saw last night) or tiger.

Besides that I am having violent work thoughts. And beyond kicking my computer, I don't want to talk on the phone. Our director is an idiot. I'd like to drop-kick my co-office worker and send the development director off the balcony. Not to mention taking the managing director's face and making her make crazy fish faces. That would be fun. I feel out of control, as if any moment I could burst and do these things. I'd also like to make the PR director do somersaults every where she walks so I won't have to hear the high pitch squeal of hers.

Yes. Violent work thoughts. It comes with feeling trapped. I believe I have now applied for over 50 jobs. I just use a template and no energy now. That's the truth.

I need more bad dates to get my mind off of the daily GRIND. (who needs their head ground into the chem lawn??? Perhaps the crazy co-worker?)

I'll go do that now

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