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yes, yet another entry about happiness

2003-09-20 - 10:32 p.m.

I have new clarity.

I've actually been thinking about this assignment I have in my "personal and professional development" (let's-talk-about-how-we-feel) class. I've been giving a lot of thought to my recovery from depression. From this viewpoint, I can't imagine how I ever functioned being depressed so many years. Yet, I keep thinking that it is all going to be taken away from me: the glorious ambitiousness (for example, before noon I had been to the bank, done all my laundry, cleaned my bathroom and rearranged my living room), positivity, and clarity. I feel like I am just waiting for my medication to wear off and suddenly I will be back to chicago. Back to misery. Somehow I can't believe all this happiness, contentment, fulfillment, especially energy. I no longer feel like I have to wait for happiness to catch up with me to begin my life. I have it and am here, I'm present. Living life. Amazingly well. dull. I like that.

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