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gushing kilter graveyard

2004-02-25 - 8:46 p.m.

JUST had the most fabulous din din at a new tibetian place with the best friend. SO good. And walking. And avoiding all responsibility.

NOTE TO SELF: Please stop having conversations with yourself. You always lose.

I think that every moment we are actually walking the line between insane sadness and unexplainable euphoria. I'm coming to terms with that. Talking helps. Friends, mmmm, friends. People for that matter. What would life be without them. I'm oozing happy tonight.

Making nice with myself over the disappointingly empty email box. Guess I'm kinda glad I didn't go on and on about the totally rad boy I met last week. I don't believe in Jinxes... I only believe in me. So there you have it. There are other emails in other email boxes to answer. PLUS Pace might be coming up for the weekend. Which would rule. Perhaps it's time to dust off the touring lush, put her on for the night, wear a lot of yellow and watch Shawny dump shots on the floor as he pretends to drink them.

Should I splurge and go to Boston over break? Of course it'd be lovely, but I'd have to see David, which always sends me off-kilter... BUT perhaps it's the right time. We can do another potent walk though the grave yard and discuss the differences between our lives. There never seems to be any.

Imagining relationships makes me so lustful for my current ones. Again: gushing.

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08