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energy = gone

2004-03-02 - 11:48 p.m.

Literally, too many deep back bends and stretched psoas today.

I am not content. I need some Jin Shin Jytsu and a hot bath. And maybe someone to bathe me. But bed for sure, it is long past my bedtime.

Sat through a 3 hour play tonight. Someone please remind me why I once wanted to commit my life to that torture. Anyone? I don't ask for much, perhaps, just that I like the main characters or that the supporting roles weren't so bland or that the set was actually used and not simply ornament. You see, I wasn't cut out for this. There is no joy left, it's been squeezed out by too many years of babysitting actors and hitleresque artistic directors whose annual income is a vague dream of realestate to their employees.

It's almost midnight and I'm still wearing lipstick. Must remedy. My weekend energy has disapated. If I knew any gods who delievered I'd pray for sun for tomorrow and a surge of energy to get me to the weekend.

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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