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love for sale

2004-03-09 - 11:44 a.m.

I remembered today, on my sunny am walk, a poem I once wrote describing my life as a winter tree waiting for spring. It occurres to me that that is happening. It's arduous for someone who likes instant results and gratification.

But I've been relatively easy on myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I couldn't have started out this way. I need to be overwieght and emotionally vulnerable right now because it is growth. I couldn't have stayed an exercise obsessed, depressed teenager and I wouldn't have my journey any other way. I can't believe my life when I look back on it. IT's bloody amazing!

Saw some birds on my walk, thought more about the 4 agreements and my spiritual journey. And wonkaboy. Of course I need something to obess about, but I'm trying to be better. IT IS BETTER. The sunlight makes it all melt away... the sloth of yesterday and the impending doom of rejection and the blah-bit-e-blah-ha's.

Cole Porter's got me grooveing today. "I've got love, nothing but love. I've got love for sale."

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