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delusions of grandeur

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hidden place/good date

2004-03-26 - 7:35 p.m.

Random internet date #5:

Good! Good! Good! He's normal. That's right folks, normal. Average everyday Minnesotan who likes the same music I do... with the exception of U2. I hate U2. Is normal what I want? Will normal mesh with my gay friends?

He wasn't too interested and yet we had coffee, took a walk on this gorgeous day and had dinner. We had 3 dates in one. He looked into my eyes. It made me uncomfortable. I'm still a little 10 year old when it comes to boys. I could talk to him - like so comfortable. Very few pauses in conversation... and I was the nervous one when there was silences. Because he was looking right into me. There is something huge about that but at the same time scary. He might have an alternative opinion on gay marriage. He might still have sunday dinners with his parents. But then again he's not likely to stray far off the grid. That's who he is and isn't that what I want? The opposite of what I've encountered? Sometimes I wonder what it is I really want. Not sure I know...

All I know is the words of the day:

"Now I have been slightly shy

But I can smell a pinch of hope

to almost have allowed once fingers

to stroke

The fingers I was given to touch

but careful careful

there lies my passion hidden

there lies my love

I'll hide it under a blanket

lull it to sleep

I'll keep it in a hidden place"


something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08