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Diving head first

2004-04-05 - 5:21 p.m.

Can you be a sex freak without ever having it? (I supose that would include EVERY 13 year old boy)

I sit around thinking about him. He makes me crazy - crazy hot. Sitting around all day thinking about what I want to do to him to drive him just as crazy is causing the rest of my life to slip just a little.

Define please! Lust is what? Black and White lines please. Emotional definition please. Ah, but no... one must dive into the pool head first and just hope the water is warm enough (that the water is there).

I'll exercise to blow off this steam. But what I really want to do is call him and talk dirty. :)

Oh my god I'm going to have sex.

There's only one question now... to tell him before or tell him after. Or to not tell him at all.

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08