I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

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2003-02-20 - 6:46 p.m.

It must be time to add an entry. But I am not sure what to say. Oh yes, it's plain that I am still the same old person dealing with the same old issues. But I'm bored with them. With myself. But I just got cable modem so now my borem flies at warp speed.

I am doing weight watchers so I am perfectly dull at any rate. But my office is all gun-ho and I'm perfectly willing to for-go hunger for a little nooky nooky.

Fat chicks deserve a break.

something new - 2004-09-28
late night - sexually deprived - excuse the breast beating. - 2004-07-23
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
poo - 2004-07-08