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Entry while fresh bread bakes...

2002-01-02 - 9:15 p.m.

It is really hard to know what to say these days. I am busy but emotionally absent. I need to learn to have something to say when I am emotionally absent. I could complain, but please, I can't possibly be that dull.

(Although I am suffering from an intermittant plugged ear aftermath of my major bronical infection due to the fact that I am a smoker and can't quite admit it or quit)


I needed the new years I had. Even though I was horny as hell. I spent it with friends. Thank god. I wasn't at some stupid party where I only knew two people. These were MY people. MY best friends. People I care about. It was so comfortable. I didn't even drink, I was the designated driver. And we were home by 1pm because my riderfriends were wasted (after drinking for 6 hours who wouldn't be a little sick of it?) 3 parties in 24 hours, what could be better? Great, great, great!

I do believe my online life has greatly diminished, now that I am doing a couple of 5 hour road trips a week without hotel room walls to drive me insane.

New years eve I slept on a loveseat. I love/hate crashing at friends. I love/hate leaving the cities. I love/hate that I now own all the bnl cds. I might be subleting at the house of fun this summer. GEE!

Must eat bread with butter now

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an obession on the boy. - 2004-07-19
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