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2001-07-20 - "what ever tomorrow brings, I will be there, with open arms and open eyes, yeah"

2001-07-19 - thursday morning

2001-07-15 - another long day from deep in the woods *sigh*

2001-07-14 - dreamt of perfection, dreamt of dreaming, dreamt of he, and he in me.

2001-07-12 - I can't have it both ways.

2001-07-11 - vienna waits for you

2001-07-05 - OH ode the middle manager

2001-07-05 - bathroomy goodness

2001-07-04 - boom boom boom let's go back to my room so we can do it all night and I can make you feel right...

2001-07-03 - sex *giggle* and tattoos *giggle giggle*

2001-07-01 - The tale of reprive from Urban Jungle

2003 (the year, Yeah, it was great)

December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August (Jboy emerges as viable alternative to virginity, differing time zones present problem)
July (girl finds refuge in gym)
June (can unemployement really be this much un-fun?)
May (as if all the air was let out of my expanding body--the anti-explosion, anti-implosion metamorphasis into justified sloth) Ah.
April (Demystification and continuing angst)
March (not much to tell, work, WORK, hate it, Work and no peace of mind)
February (before the hard work began/p.s. I'm still not getting laid)
January 2002 (my month of squirrel-lovin sloth)
December 2001 (I am still working!)
November 2001 (Is there a month between December and October?)
October 2001 (B kissed me,infidelity begins)
September 2001 (Between van trips, I whine about still being a virgin)
August 2001 (a lot to celebrate)
July 2001 (moving again...when will it end)
June 2001 (I hate summer and am a major drag when it get's over 73 degrees)
May 2001 (still depressed, it's a boring read, really-- move on.)
April 2001 (the beginning of my effexor days/What a difference those drugs make)


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