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2003-12-31 - closing down the free enterprise

2003-12-28 - sweet moments of happiness

2003-12-22 - yummy night

2003-12-16 - testamony

2003-12-12 - sheading skin part 1

2003-12-10 - "be a star and fall down next to me"

2003-12-01 - conflict

2003-11-23 - sugary thoughts

2003-11-19 - the one about the 80's quiz

2003-11-12 - tripping

2003-11-06 - a recommendation

2003-11-03 - :)

2003-11-01 - the car story

2003-10-25 - sharing mood

2003-10-08 - fuzz brain

2003-10-05 - fuck the delusion.

2003-09-28 - yummy

2003-09-28 - Oh no! Not another bad date!!

2003-09-27 - unchbunch got some

2003-09-27 - more issues surround date than date itself

2003-09-20 - yes, yet another entry about happiness

2003-09-17 - Nympho in former life

2003-09-14 - emotional risks and such

2003-09-12 - Yeah, it's pretty good...

2003-09-04 - later rent

2003-08-29 - the story of a winter tree

2003-08-29 - the story of a winter tree

2003-08-27 - wanted: new friends

2003-08-22 - a tribute to not moving one emotional muscle...

2003-08-18 - warts and all

2003-08-11 - OOOID

2003-08-09 - can you barter for massages?

2003-08-06 - definitive

2003-07-31 - golden

2003-07-27 - my ode to motion sickness

2003-07-24 - resume hard drugs??

2003-07-20 - news

2003-07-16 - whee.

2003-07-12 - catchup

2003-06-10 - piercing mountains with bad almost-poems

2003-06-06 - Billy Gram has had some work done.

2003-06-04 - mentally grinding heads of co-workers into the chem lawn is fun

2003-05-29 - Projects

2003-05-23 - oh wait

2003-05-22 - boys that give panic attacks are not good for little birds.

2003-05-21 - Get out the big bright green lieing machine...

2003-05-21 - a cross between jboy and b =

2003-05-19 - bird penises

2003-05-18 - good internet date trumps bad internet date news at 11

2003-05-10 - I'm 13. again.

2003-05-05 - "are you just checking out your mojo Or am I just fighting off growing old?"

2003-05-01 - lunch outdoors

2003-04-29 - pontification XI

2003-04-24 - if cows had eyes in their asses

2003-04-23 - gone fishin

2003-04-20 - a short way

2003-04-08 - A tribute to my man -JC (the other one)

2003-04-04 - Out there

2003-03-20 - surrounded by planning sucks

2003-03-15 - open windows

2003-03-11 - god and other mysteries

2003-03-10 - the books

2003-03-08 - Just a continuation of dullatity

2003-02-24 - mentally, I am eating a big greasy pizza

2003-02-23 - small woo hoo

2003-02-20 - -

2003-02-13 - We may never meet again on the bumpy road to love

2003-02-09 - dog years

2003-02-03 - essay bangin

2003-02-03 - frozen

2003-01-31 - giz

2003-01-28 - hate this.

2003-01-27 - oi. Love.

2003-01-25 - Dear Diary, I may have a date.

2003-01-22 - met meet meeting me

2003-01-20 - (a)2 = sex

2003-01-19 - faith

2003-01-14 - I like penises

2003-01-12 - This has been the hardest week in the history of the world.

2003-01-11 - what I did today.

2003-01-08 - Coupledoom as an alternative to mediocrity.

2003-01-07 - steps+moisture+cool shoes = fall on my ass

2003-01-01 - Ice Culture

2003 (the year, Yeah, it was great)

December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August (Jboy emerges as viable alternative to virginity, differing time zones present problem)
July (girl finds refuge in gym)
June (can unemployement really be this much un-fun?)
May (as if all the air was let out of my expanding body--the anti-explosion, anti-implosion metamorphasis into justified sloth) Ah.
April (Demystification and continuing angst)
March (not much to tell, work, WORK, hate it, Work and no peace of mind)
February (before the hard work began/p.s. I'm still not getting laid)
January 2002 (my month of squirrel-lovin sloth)
December 2001 (I am still working!)
November 2001 (Is there a month between December and October?)
October 2001 (B kissed me,infidelity begins)
September 2001 (Between van trips, I whine about still being a virgin)
August 2001 (a lot to celebrate)
July 2001 (moving again...when will it end)
June 2001 (I hate summer and am a major drag when it get's over 73 degrees)
May 2001 (still depressed, it's a boring read, really-- move on.)
April 2001 (the beginning of my effexor days/What a difference those drugs make)


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